6 Reasons Why Pumpkin is a Superfood | Xyngular


Fall is here, and that means you won’t be able to go about your day without stumbling upon pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice hair dyes, pumpkin cookies, pies, crackers, or pumpkin beer. Even Pringles wanted to get in the game and came out with pumpkin pie spice chips. But this seasonal treat is so much more than just a marketing gimmick. It’s a superfood that’s capable of boosting your vision, lowering blood pressure, and even helping you lose weight. In fact, one of our favorite Lean recipes is packed with pumpkin flavor!

Pumpkin is an overall-health enhancer! Here are 6 reasons why fall’s natural elixir is the bomb.

1. It’s The Soothing Cocktail You Need After a Hard Workout

For years we’ve been tricked into thinking a banana was the only fruit or vegetable capable of fueling our bodies after a hard workout. Turns out, we’ve been conned all along! A single banana contains only 422 milligrams of potassium, whereas a cup of pumpkin boasts 564 milligrams of pure energy, fiber, potassium, and virtually no calories. But let’s be honest here. Who wants to eat cooked pumpkin after a workout? That’s why we’ve come up with an incredible pumpkin smoothie recipe that’ll help replenish your body, is insanely easy to make, and tastes better than an energy bar. Follow the instructions and don’t be afraid to mix it up and come up with your own recipes.

Lean Pumpkin Pie Shake Recipe

  • 2 cups ice
  • 8 oz original almond milk
  • 1 scoop Lean
  • Few drops vanilla flavoring
  • 1-2 Tbsp of canned pumpkin
  • 1 low fat graham cracker

2. Pumpkin Is Full Of Beta-Carotenes

Not only does this seasonal treat help improve your overall health, it’s also a vegetable rich in antioxidant beta-carotene that some studies show helps reduce the risk of cancer. The color alone is a dead giveaway that pumpkin is packed with beta-carotenes, just like the ones you’ll find in sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash.

3. It Helps You Sleep Better

Pumpkin has so much to offer---even its seeds can be used to prevent and treat endless health issues such as insomnia and heart disease. Pumpkin seeds are packed with beta-carotene and tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce serotonin, the neurotransmitter that improves your mood, relaxes you and helps you unwind. So instead of reaching out for a glass of wine, you may want to snack on roasted pumpkin seeds tonight and get a good night’s sleep.

4. It Helps You Feel Fuller

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with dietary fiber: with 3 grams per cup serving, and only 50 calories per cup, you’re looking at every dieter’s best friend and weight loss ally. Not only does fiber keep you feeling fuller longer, it also controls those nasty cravings and helps keep your appetite under control.

5. You’ll Be Forever Happy

Okay, so “forever” is a strong word. It’s not like you will no longer experience stress, anxiety or depression. But including this wonderful vegetable in your diet is a sure way to boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with “happy” chemicals; among them is tryptophan, an essential amino acid that the body uses to produce proteins, serotonin and melatonin. You’ll still have to worry about the mortgage, traffic and meeting deadlines at work, but thanks to nature’s fabulous superfood, you’ll at least do it with a smile on your face.

6. It Helps Protect The Skin

The second you noticed the first signs of aging, you immediately considered maxing out your credit card in order to get the best anti-aging creams. Little did you know that the beauty elixir you were looking for was already sitting in the fridge. This iconic fall vegetable is full of nutrients and vitamins, (such as B, C, and E) that help soften the skin, and helps your body produce more collagen which (you guessed it!), prevents the signs of aging. But eating a pumpkin pie every other day or sipping on a delicious pumpkin spice smoothie isn’t the only way to get the most out of this vegetable. You can also apply it topically all over your skin since it’s packed with natural enzymes that’ll give you that “glow” your skin is in dire need of. It’ll help you exfoliate dead skin cells while soothing and hydrating the skin.

Three Xyngular Recipes To Try This Week...

Our Banana Lean Pancakes Recipe

Our Peanut Butter Lean Shake Recipe

Xyngular’s Healthy Stir Fry Recipe

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