Fast or Slow Digestion: What Does It All Mean?

fast and slow digestion

Have you ever considered the difference between fast and slow digestion? Fast digestion seems like it may be a meal that wasn’t truly enjoyed and savored while slow digestion brings to mind a snake with a lump slowly digesting his meal.

The truth is that there is a difference between fast digestion and slow digestion. Eating slowly not only promotes better digestion but also improved hydration and more satisfaction during meals, as well as easier weight loss or the ability to manage your weight successfully. On the flip side, eating quickly tends to cause less meal satisfaction, increased weight gain, and poor overall digestion.

RELATED: Xyngular’s Guide To Digestion

Keep reading to learn more about paying attention to the importance of your digestive health and eating patterns.

Fast Or Slow Digestion Explained

To give some perspective, digestion that is considered to be normal is when food takes between six to eight hours to pass through both your stomach and your small intestine. After this, food enters your large intestine, also known as your colon for continued digestion, any water absorption that needs to occur and ultimately the elimination of the food. For food to move completely through the entire colon is roughly a 36 hour process.

Any digestion that is outside of this window is considered to be fast or slow digestion. Those with faster digestion experience more bloating and gas as well as poor digestion and a lower satisfaction when it comes to feeling full. Those who have a slower digestive process experience better hydration and digestion and more satisfaction with their meals.

Try This

Looking to help your digestion process? There are a variety of foods that can help the overall process. Try eating oats for a healthy dose of prebiotics or a serving of sauerkraut for a helping of probiotics. Pineapple is also known to be a delicious digestion food due to the digestive enzymes it contains, most specifically bromelain which is known for breaking down the proteins in the foods that we eat. Chia seeds contain an incredible amount of fiber which helps to promote beneficial bacteria. Apples and beans are also full of fiber, and broccoli is considered excellent for digestion help mainly due to its ability to lower inflammation of the colon.

Don’t forget the water! While not a food, it is instrumental in healthy digestion by helping to break down the food in your system allowing nutrients to be absorbed into your body.

Another way to help your digestive process is through exercise. If you are looking for ways to optimize your digestive health, try cycling or yoga, which are both considered fantastic ways keep your digestion cycle moving. Sit-ups or crunches are another excellent option as having strong core muscles strengthen not only your intestines but your ease of bowel movements as well.

LEARN MORE: Improve Your Gut Health And Energy

If you have slow digestion and are looking to speed up the process, there are a few things that you can try. Exercising for thirty minutes a day can help digested food move more easily through the body just with a series of muscle contractions. Change your diet by consuming less meat, eating more yogurt, and consuming more fiber. Lastly, grab a cup! Drinking water throughout the day is always beneficial to not only your digestion but your overall health as well.

Alternatively, If you have an extremely speedy digestive system and are looking to slow down the process of digestion, you can try consuming smaller meals. Smaller and more frequent meals are thought to slow down digestion more successfully than when consuming two or three large meals. Another way to slow down digestion is to rest and relax after a meal which reduces the movement of food in the gut, ultimately cutting back on the frequency of bowel movements.

It doesn’t have to ruin your digestion on a crazy day when you are on the go and might find yourself in a fast food line. If you have overindulged on those french fries or wolfed down your food in a hurry, there are things you can do to get back on track. Be conscious while you are eating and make sure you are consuming your food at a slower pace that allows you to listen to your body when you get the feeling of being full. After your meal is over, get moving and take a gentle walk (not a run) to help the process of your body starting to push the food down your GI tract. This process will get your digestive system moving. Make sure to stay vertical as laying down may move the food up your digestive tract rather than down, slowing down your digestion and also increasing your discomfort. Lastly, skip the soda! Carbonated beverages make you feel

more bloated and add additional gas to your body that you will feel the need to expel.

Wondering about other ways to help your digestion? Probiotics are not only good bacteria, but they also help to lower the pH level in the colon which in turn can help to ease digestive discomforts such as constipation, gas, bloating, and overall digestion issues.

DISCOVER: How To Improve Digestion For Weight Loss

Prebiotics are another digestive health option as they are a food source for the healthy bacteria in your gut which in turn helps the healthy bacteria grow.

You can further aid your digestion through digestive enzymes which are proteins created within your body that break down food and assist with the digestive process.

Ever wanted to try collagen to help improve your gut health? Go for it! It’s a great digestive aid!

Why Your Digestive Health Matters

Digestive health matters big time. A healthier gut leads to effective digestion, improved sleep, a stronger immune system, as well as better heart and brain health. When you have a poor digestive system and an unhealthy gut, it can lead to discomfort, weight gain, and low mood.

Fast or Slow, Digestion Matters in Weight Loss

Digestive health plays a key role in your overall health as well as in your weight loss journey.

Xyngular Complete Digestive Aid was created to offer immediate impact and relief to not only support gut comfort as well as optimize nutrient absorption but also as a way to ease occasional bloating discomfort. Organic debloating botanicals are combined with 14 broad-spectrum enzymes to improve digestion, reduce gas and bloating and break down not only protein but carbohydrates, fat, fiber, sugar, and dairy.*

Log in to your account or contact your Xyngular distributor today and get started on healthy gut health and digestion with Xyngular Complete Digestive Aid™.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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