Blast Fat With Cardio Intervals | Xyngular


Does your current workout routine have you in the doldrums? It’s important to switch up your routine from time to time. If you’re not feeling motivated, not showing signs of improvement, feeling low on energy, and aren’t achieving your weight loss goals, it could be time to make a change. When you’ve hit a plateau with your weight loss and want to jumpstart your metabolism, cardio intervals may be the perfect solution to get you back on track! This change may be just what you need to increase your weight loss and lose fat.

3 Fat-Blasting Workouts To Try

Intervals For Fat Loss

Interval training has become increasingly popular in recent years because it helps you reach your weight loss and fitness goals with a smaller time commitment than steady-state cardio. Add some cardio intervals to your workouts to help blast fat and breakthrough weight loss plateaus.

Try Adding In HIIT

One popular form of cardio intervals is High-Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT. It requires alternating short bursts of high-intensity exercise with lower intensity or rest periods. In order for HIIT to be effective, it should be difficult to maintain a conversation during intense work periods.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, HIIT training offers many health benefits.

They state that HIIT training has been shown to improve:

  • aerobic and anaerobic fitness
  • blood pressure
  • cardiovascular health
  • insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles more readily use glucose for fuel to make energy)
  • cholesterol profiles
  • abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle mass.”

If you have never done HIIT before, the concept can be a bit foreign. We have been trained to think that if you want to achieve better results, you have to work out longer. However, the opposite is true with HIIT. You can achieve effective results in a shorter period of time.

In order to complete a HIIT routine, you will need to pick an exercise and then perform it at near maximum effort for a set period of time. The effort time may vary from 30 seconds - 8 minutes. Set a timer, and see how many reps you can complete using proper form during the interval. Since this is a high-intensity burst, you should be breathing hard, and your heart rate should be elevated.

When the timer goes off indicating that the interval is complete, then you can switch to a lower intensity exercise or rest completely. If you are resting completely your rest period should be half of your high-intensity period. If you are incorporating lower intensity exercises it should be equal to your high-intensity period.

One very effective way to incorporate intervals into your workout routine is to add short cardio bursts in between weight lifting sets. recommends this method as a way to burn fat. This allows you to increase your strength and muscle growth by weight training, while also receiving the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, such as fat loss and heart strength.

The overall workout time for HIIT should be a minimum of 20 minutes, and a maximum of 60 minutes. Beginner exercises should start with shorter periods of training and work their way up to a longer period.

Circuit Training For Fat Loss

Blast away fat through circuit training. Circuit training is a combination of six or more exercises that are performed with brief breaks for either a certain number of repetitions or a certain amount of time. The benefits of circuit training include muscle endurance, flexibility, muscle strength, and cardiopulmonary fitness and endurance.

Spice Up Your Workout Routine with Cardio Intervals

Interval training can be a perfect way to shake up your workout routine. It is especially effective for fat loss or breaking through exercise plateaus. Add it to your existing workout routine, and reap the benefits today!

If you need even more of a boost, try Xyngular Xyng. It helps to provide all-day energy, as well as a boost to your mood.* That’s why we call it sunshine in a bottle! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead of you, Xyng can help you get in the right frame of mind, and give you the energy you need to see the task through to completion.*

Another must-try is Xyngular Accelerate. Accelerate helps you burn fat with its plant-based proprietary Thermolit Blend™.* This vegan and caffeine-free thermogenic is known for speeding up your metabolism and resetting your fat-burning potential.* The exclusive formula is our top-selling product that boosts your metabolism, trims your waistline, and reignites your ability to burn excess fat.* The best part is Accelerate works even better when you pair it with daily exercise. Make your workouts even more beneficial by incorporating Accelerate.

Reach out to your Xyngular distributor or log in to your Xyngular account today to get started on your road to better health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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