Don’t Let Your Healthy Habits Hibernate


As one of the founding fathers of philosophy, Aristotle may have said it best:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

Our habits define us. When we define ourselves by our positive habits, we create excellence. Excellence of mind and excellence of body. Keeping up with healthy habits in the warmer months is simple. But when the weather shifts, and the holidays come a-knocking, maintaining your positive habits can feel burdensome.

How are you supposed to go for a run when it’s 10℉? And why exactly would you submit yourself to a bowl of broccoli when that pumpkin pie is calling your name?

Letting your habits hibernate over the winter months might seem like an enticing proposition. However, we have 5 foolproof ways to keep you on track through the holidays and the cold of winter.

Try New Foods

As the seasons change, so do the produce aisles. Grocery stores will be adjusting their consumables to reflect a more seasonal array of fruits and vegetables. While your summer favorites may not be in season any more, there are new bounties waiting for you at your local co-op! Look for items such as blood oranges, beets, turnips, cabbages, squashes, and more! 

Check out our pre-made grocery lists for both the Keto meal plan and Low-Carb meal plan.

Cold Proof Exercise

Too cold to go for a run? Or maybe you’re up to your ears in snow? Try an indoor exercise routine that is sure to get your blood pumping. There are many short and effective routines you can complete indoors. You probably won’t need any equipment and will most likely use your own bodyweight as resistance. Such workouts include High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), yoga, pilates, or even, dare we say it, jazzercise. Search for your favorite indoor routines on YouTube for inspiration.

Learn More: How To Commit To A Healthy Lifestyle

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you stay on track with your healthy habits. Being mindful is the act or quality of being aware. Practicing mindfulness is as easy as taking others into consideration. Ask yourself, how might it feel to be in their shoes? Examine how you feel. Why are you feeling this way? How can you improve upon your current mood? Being mindful will allow you to enhance your brain function and cognition, allowing you to maintain healthy habits.

The Buddy System

The Buddy System is a great way to maintain accountability to yourself and to your peers. Ask a trusted friend or family member to be your Buddy. Your Buddy will help you to stay on track when the going gets tough, and vice versa! Staying accountable to another person can help you to stick to your goals. You’ll also build a bond that fosters love and appreciation for one another. Bonus: Using the Buddy System will help you to practice mindfulness!

Reward Yourself

After all is said and done, you deserve a reward for your hard work. You’ve done a great job of staying on track, and it’s time to treat yourself! Go ahead, have a slice of pumpkin pie or another glass of eggnog! Having a treat once in awhile solidifies the fact that you are working towards balance. Maintaining that balance is rewarding in and of itself.

Keeping your healthy habits alive and well through the winter months doesn’t have to be a challenge. Liven up your diet with new culinary adventures. Call a buddy, and do some pilates via FaceTime. Practice mindfulness, and reward yourself for continued consistency! You deserve it!


Cooking Light: Winter Produce Guide

Greatist: Winter Produce Guide

Lifehack: Meditation  

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