10 of the Best Foods For Your Brain

Brain Food

What kind of food does your brain like? It sounds like the punchline to a silly joke but in all actuality, your brain does like certain kinds of food. Maybe not in the same way you like chocolate chip cookies or a bowl of fresh berries, but some foods make your brain function better. Here are 10 foods your brain will love.

10 Best Foods For Your Brain

Give your brain a little treat with these ten yummy yet nutritious brain foods!


This fruit (yes, it is a fruit) is one of the best things you can eat to help your brain function. Although they have a high-fat content, they are the monounsaturated “good” fats that help keep blood sugar levels consistent. They are also incredibly versatile. From sweet to savory ways to eat them, avocados are definitely brain food.


Root vegetables are some of the most nutritious plants you can eat. They help to reduce inflammation and rid the blood of toxins. The nitrates in beets help promote better blood flow to the brain which helps improve mental clarity.


These little blue wonders are packed with vitamin C and vitamin K. They are a great source of fiber, have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants, and contain gallic acid which helps protect your brain from the harmful effects of stress. Toss them in a smoothie, your favorite salad, or just eat them by the handful.

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Bone Broth

The high levels of collagen in bone broth will help to heal your gut, reduce inflammation in the intestines, and improve memory, all while tasting great. It can also help improve joint health and has been known to help people overcome food allergies.

Coconut Oil

If you’re not using coconut oil in your daily routine, you are missing out on numerous health benefits. Since coconut oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, it can help the whole body, including helping with memory loss due to age and removing bad bacteria from the gut.

Dark Chocolate

A little dark chocolate can have substantial brain and health benefits, but that doesn’t mean you can justify eating an entire bag of M&Ms. The darker the chocolate, the better the benefits. Look for chocolate that’s at least 70% percent cocoa. Dark chocolate benefits include improved blood flow to the brain and heart, lowered blood pressure, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Eggs have long gotten a bad rap for being too high in cholesterol. But studies have shown that eating eggs doesn’t have an impact on cholesterols levels in healthy adults (often it’s the toast and other carbohydrates eaten typically eaten along with eggs, not the eggs themselves, that could be adding to risk levels). Eggs are an inexpensive source of protein that can be cooked in so many healthy and delicious ways.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This golden elixir is truly good brain food. It contains polyphenols (antioxidants) that can help with improved learning and memory. It’s best to consume EVOO at room temperature or colder, which makes it an excellent choice for dressings or drizzled over your favorite food.


Pair salmon with some green leafy veggies like spinach, Swiss chard, and kale, and you’ve got a super brain food meal! Salmon is one of the most brain-friendly foods out there. It helps with mental clarity and focus. Opt for Alaskan wild-caught salmon for the most health benefits.


Although these hard-shelled nuts take a bit of work getting into, they are well worth it. With high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, walnuts are great for improving mental alertness. Throw them in a salad, add them to a smoothie, or just eat a handful. Your brain will thank you for it!

These are just a few of the foods that will make your brain happy and healthy. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet, you’ll not only be feeding your brain, but you’ll also be developing a healthy lifestyle as well.

EXPLORE: The Many Benefits Of Collagen

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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