Why Are Supplements Important?

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Have you ever felt like you were missing something in your diet? Perhaps you are a vegetarian and don’t feel like you have been hitting your protein mark. Or maybe your super rushed frozen pizza meal after soccer practice left a lot to be desired in the nutrients department. Consuming your nutrients through fresh fruits and vegetables is always wonderful, but if you know that you aren’t hitting your proper nutritional values, supplements are always a ready fill-in. Dietary supplements are definitely a common sight at your local grocery store. You can find aisles packed full with bottles of supplements from A to Z.

With so much variety to choose from, and especially with the supplements that come within your Xyngular kit, it can be a little hard to know where to start.

It’s important to note that the supplements that come with your kits are designed to work together to help improve your overall health.

Let’s get into what supplements are.


Supplements are anything that supplements or adds to your diet to assure that you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs to maintain overall health.

Supplements can be made from vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbs, caffeine, and other nutritional sources. Common supplements are vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and iron, as well as protein powders and meal replacements.

Remember that not all supplements are created equal, and the quality of supplements can differ greatly. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you get high-quality supplements that will actually benefit you. Xyngular supplements come from quality, natural sources that work to give you optimal benefits and better your health.


Every person is different with different needs, and when it comes to diet and nutrition, there are as many solutions as there are people. When you don’t get the right amount of nutrients your body needs, you can develop deficiencies that affect your health.

Supplements help you get the nutrients you might be lacking to help you balance and improve your health. An imbalance of nutrients can also lead to weight gain and could be the reason why it’s difficult to shed those extra pounds.

Xyngular supplements can help to provide important nutrients like vitamins and minerals, boost energy levels, and support a range of important functions in the body, from maintaining healthy bones to promoting a positive mood and more. If you’re curious about what supplements can do for you, check out these seven amazing health benefits that supplements can offer:

Provide Essential Nutrients

Supplements are a great way to increase the nutrient density of your diet. Our bodies work best when they have more micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals, than macronutrients like carbohydrates and fat. Your diet might already be delivering the nutrients that you need, however, the higher your micro- to macronutrient ratio is, the healthier your diet will be. Supplements boost your macronutrient ratio because they supply nothing but essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Fight Toxins

It comes as no surprise that this world exposes us to toxins in the food we eat, the water we drink, and in the air we breathe. Supplements support cell regeneration and fight toxins that we eat by giving us the vitamins and minerals we need to support a healthy digestive and immune system.

Improve Nutrient Absorption

There is evidence that suggests that as you age, your body becomes less adept at breaking down and absorbing nutrients. Supplements, like digestive enzymes, can help break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, allowing your body to get the vitamins and minerals that you need from the food that you eat.

Improve Cellular Performance

The winning combination of a nutrient-dense diet plus supplements can create the optimal environment for peak cellular performance. When your cells thrive, your body thrives–and that translates into years of health benefits.

Improve Digestion

Research shows that the telltale symptoms of a slow digestive system are bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Supplements, like digestive enzymes, play a key role in making sure that micronutrients are properly broken down and absorbed by the gut. Digestive enzymes have also been shown to help digest tricky foods like gluten or milk.

Decrease inflammation

Sometimes, our digestive system does not work as it should. It may be a low-grade infection that is keeping the good bacteria in your body out of balance, or it could be that your body is having trouble extracting essential nutrients from the food that you eat. Or maybe you have been exposed to environmental toxins like mold or cigarette smoke. Whatever the reason, when the digestive system is not working properly, it causes stress and inflammation as the body tries to cope. When inflammation becomes second nature, it damages healthy cells. Long-term inflammation is linked to serious health diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Supplements help optimize your digestive system, helping your body restore and maintain the proper balance to support good health.

Encourage Good Bacteria

When it comes to the body’s digestive system, it’s all about balance. Taking a supplement, like a probiotic, can help the body restore the natural bacteria balance after a round of antibiotics, and make sure the good and bad bacteria that live naturally in your gut live in a happily balanced gut microbiome.

As you follow the meal plan and supplement plan with your system, you’ll start to get more of the nutrients your body needs, which will ultimately lead to becoming more of the happier, healthier person you are meant to be.


Here at Xyngular, as well as what’s included in your kit, there are a variety of other supplements that will help you on your weight loss and health journey. These Xyngular supplements will not only help you look and feel better but will provide your body with nutritional changes that will make a significant difference in your long-term health and well-being.

We definitely recommend starting with the supplements in your bundle or kit. If you haven't used supplements before, these will help you easily get started and will make a big difference in how you feel.

After completing the kit, we encourage you to continue using the supplements together for continued results. We have a variety of supplements that provide targeted help to your specific health needs.


Xyngular Axion is one of the best products for ongoing health support. With over a dozen vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes, and probiotics, it provides tremendous benefits to all cells and functions of your body. You can use Axion for head-to-toe nutrient support by giving you the vitamins and minerals your diet could be lacking. With a 24-hour bi-layered tablet and sustained release formula, you will feel the benefits of Axion throughout the day.*

Advanced Omega

Advanced Omega helps with brain, heart, and nerve health by giving you the fatty acids that most people are deficient in. With over 1,950 mg of three essential Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, and DPA, Advanced Omega works to make the most of the benefits of standard Omega-3 supplements.*

Global Blend

Global Blend offers a powerful combination of antioxidants consisting of nutrient-dense super fruits, herbal adaptogens with powerful anti-inflammatories such as aloe and xanthones, and primary antioxidant precursors. This free-radical supplement supports immune health.*

Take a look at all our other supplements too. With our wide variety of products, we’re sure there’s something to help you meet your goals.

X Bundle

The Xyngular X Bundle includes six of our weight loss essentials: Xyngular Lean, Xyng, Accelerate with Thermolit Blend, Trimstix, Resist, and Flush. Bundled with additional resources like a Nutrition Guide, text reminders, and a community of support to help you reach your goals, this supplement is designed to support lifelong and healthy weight management.*

8-Day Jumpstart

The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart resets your metabolism. With a focus on high protein and low sugar foods, this nutrient-rich eating plan includes supplements that help your metabolism operate at its peak. With a targeted meal plan, backed by six of our proven products and unrivaled support, the 8-Day Jumpstart is a powerful tool formulated to give your body the metabolic reset it needs to jumpstart your weight loss or wellness program.*

EXPLORE: Everything You Need To Know About the 8 Day Jumpstart

Complete Collagen

Designed with your digestive system in mind, Xyngular Complete Collagen is a digestive enzyme supplement with a world-class amino acid profile. With 10 grams of multi-sourced collagen, this Xyngular product not only supports joint recovery, it also improves skin elasticity and boosts your natural collagen production. This is a supplement that you can count on to improve cellular regeneration and keep your digestive system operating at its peak.*

Complete Probiotic

Xyngular Complete Probiotic is specially formulated with 11 unique gut-healthy strains that will help your body maintain a healthy gut microbiome. The contents of your gut play an essential role in your everyday health–a healthy gut can affect your mood, digestion, as well as the amount of nutrients you can properly break down and absorb from food. This supplement supports a healthy and robust gut, and can decrease the symptoms of slow digestion, like bloating and gas.*


By taking the right supplements, you can improve the quality of your life. When you focus on your health, you can learn how vital supplements are and how they can be used to boost your overall health and well-being. Supplements like Xyngular Complete Probiotics will help you feel better throughout the day and take control of your health by using the right supplements on a daily basis.

Xyngular products are specifically designed to support today’s most common health needs. The products are both simple and effective and can help you work towards feeling more energized, slimming down, or maintaining your overall wellness. Take advantage of Xyngular kits with a complete 30-Day program that includes our top products, training support, and meal plans. Bundles and kits will help you feel, look, and live better!*

To get started today and find a kit with the best Xyngular products, contact your Xyngular Distributor or log in to your Xyngular account to get it today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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