Ways To Beat Bloating


Do you ever feel bloated and gassy? You're not alone. Bloating and gas are common problems for women. Learn how to reduce your symptoms.

What Causes Bloating and Gas?

In this blog post, we'll take a look at what causes bloating and gas, and we'll also provide some tips for how to reduce these symptoms.

If you have ever experienced bloating, you know all of the signs. Suddenly your jeans might feel a little tighter than usual. Most people who experience bloating have a feeling of being swollen or full in their abdomen. Your abdomen may also feel hard or painful. What causes bloating? There are a variety of suspected culprits including eating a large meal, gas, being constipated, consuming carbonated beverages, or the always popular menstruation. The main thing about bloating is that it is almost always accompanied by discomfort and pain.

Experiencing bloating is a common problem for women. Up to 75% of women have experienced bloating either before or during their period. This is caused by changes in levels of hormones that occur during periods.

12 Ways to Stop the Bloating

Do you ever feel bloated after eating? If so, you're not alone. Many women experience bloating on a regular basis. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to getting rid of bloating. However, there are some things you can do to help reduce or stop bloating from happening. Below we share a dozen situations that cause bloating, as well as the best ways to kick bloat to the curb.

Foods to Avoid

There are several types of foods for bloating! If you’re hoping to ditch the discomfort that comes along with bloat, it’s important to avoid foods that may be considered excessively salty such as chips or processed snacks. Other foods that are likely to cause bloating include carbonated beverages, fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of sugars or starches, dairy products such as milk or ice cream, or even grains and legumes.

Eating Quickly

Turns out that the way you ingest your food can also play a factor in increasing bloat. Ingesting your food quickly can increase the amount of bloat that you may experience due to the way our body responds to feelings of satiety. It can take up to 20 minutes after we ingest food for our brains to register the fact that we have become full. When you eat more slowly, you are allowing your brain to run at the same pace as your stomach in order to prevent overeating and subsequent bloating.

Food to Embrace

On the flip side, there are foods that help reduce bloating. Foods that are rich in potassium work to counteract gassiness and bloat caused by significant levels of sodium intake. Try eating foods with high potassium levels such as bananas, melons, asparagus, or tomatoes. Cucumbers have also been shown to reduce swelling and bloating. Yogurt is also a great food to fight bloat. The key here is to consume yogurt with live and active cultures known as probiotics. These probiotics help to strengthen the good bacteria in your gut to prevent bloating. Avoid yogurts with added sugar and opt for a Greek-style yogurt that is either plain or vanilla flavored. Then add a small amount of honey or cinnamon for sweetness.

Hydrate Yourself

Hydration is crucial to cutting bloat. While bloat can be caused by water retention, hydration is still important to cutting bloat at the source. Water helps to flush the body of toxins and bloat-causing foods. Being properly hydrated also aids in maintaining regular bowel movements, which in turn help eliminate bloat. Constipation is a common cause of bloat, and regular bowel movements with the assistance of a properly hydrated body can prevent and minimize bloating and gassiness. Be sure to drink at least eight servings of water per day. A serving of water is eight fluid ounces. A good way to keep track of your water intake is to set an alarm on your phone to drink a serving of water every two hours throughout your waking day.

Work It Out

If you’re a couch potato, you’re probably going to experience some bloat. Bloat is commonly found in individuals who live sedentary lifestyles. In order to combat bloat, all you need to do is get up and move around. If going to the gym feels like too much work, try some simple exercises such as a short walk or gentle yoga to beat the bloat. There are a lot of healthy workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Focus on keeping your heart rate slightly elevated in order to stimulate cardiovascular activity. Beating the bloat involves more than just nixing those fries or skipping on the potato skins. Remember to stay hydrated, get physically active, and incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet.

Pour a Glass of Tea

Ending meals with tea is known for allowing for proper digestion. What tea is best to pour into your cup? Try drinking ginger, peppermint, or dandelion tea which are all known for being gentle and natural diuretics and helpful when you are trying to beat the bloat. Don’t rush through your tea. Using tea time to relax and focus on your breathing is an excellent way to aid your overall digestion, leaving you feeling less bloated and more comfortable.

Have More Fiber

Fiber is a master at preventing constipation. By adding bulk, it helps everything move through the intestines at a faster speed. Most women need at least 25 grams of fiber daily, yet most people get barely half that amount. Snack on fiber-rich foods throughout the day such as berries or dried fruit. But don’t add too much fiber too fast or it will have the opposite effect and you may end up feeling even more bloated. Allow your body time to process the fiber!

Monitor Your Medication

Many medications can leave you feeling constipated and bloated, especially when you begin taking them. A few of the biggest culprits include both prescription medication and over the counter such as iron pills, calcium supplements, antidepressants, and antihistamines. If you are experiencing bloat from your medication or supplements, talk to your doctor about side effects.

Turn on the Bath

If you’re feeling the signs of bloating coming on, it might be time to turn on the bath. Magnesium in the form of Epsom salts is known for being a natural saline laxative which in turn can help you lose excess water weight. Most people do not get enough magnesium in their diets anyway, so this is a win-win! Try this method if you are feeling tired, sore, or bloated for extra relaxation and an end to the bloat.

Roll Away the Bloat

We’ve already covered how important it is to get moving in order to reduce your bloat. But more specifically when it comes to how to move, another great trick is to use the foam roller. Rolling your body helps to increase the circulation in the body which in turn calms and regulates the nervous system while also improving the detoxification process in the body and the digestive system. All of this, in turn, is known for decreasing inflammation. While it is recommended to do foam rolling several times a week, even if it is just for ten minutes at a time, one foam rolling session often helps people find some sort of relief from the bloat.

Massage Your Face

Bloating can often cause stomach pain and discomfort. But what if your face appears bloated? If you are looking a little on the puffy side, try giving yourself a facial massage with face oil. This helps with lymphatic drainage and can give your face the appearance of being more sculpted. Apply a few drops of oil to your hands and then move your hands in sweeping motions outwards.

Supplement the Bloat

Sometimes a supplement is the best way to stop bloating. If you’ve tried all the glasses of water and the foam roller and you are still experiencing uncomfortable bloating, a supplement might be needed. Try taking a complete, quality probiotic to help aid your digestion and constipation. Xyngular Complete Probiotic offers the solution for your gut to get on the path to better health.

Beneficial Probiotics from Xyngular

You may be asking yourself what probiotics are. While the word bacteria may have your mind racing about getting sick, there are also types of bacteria that are actually good for you. Healthy bacteria in your gut are referred to as probiotics. Your digestive system is filled with beneficial bacteria that are needed for your gastrointestinal system to function properly.

Xyngular Complete Probiotic is the solution to end bloating and gas and get your gut on a path to better health. With 20 billion CFUs and 11 unique strains of gut-healthy bacteria, Xyngular Complete Probiotic is essential to your everyday health. It offers better digestion to support weight loss, less bloating, improved mood, regularity, improved sleep, and stronger immunity. It is an easy way to provide your body with the probiotics that are necessary to flourish. Probiotics are known for supporting oral and digestive health, healthy weight loss, and optimizing nutrient absorption of all the nutrients and food supplements, all while fighting gas and bloating. Let Xyngular Complete Probiotic put you on the road to better health today.*

Beat the bloat today! Contact your Xyngular Distributor or log in to your Xyngular account to order Xyngular Complete Probiotic today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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