Bone Health & YOU: Discover The Benefits Of Calcium and Vitamin D

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Yes, I’m talking to YOU! You, the people who think you are not quite old enough to need to worry about bone health. I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s not just 60+ year old women who need to be concerned about maintaining bone health! Both men, women, and children should be actively working to increase bone health in order to boost overall health and put stock in a happier, healthier future YOU.

How Do You Make Your Bones Stronger?

Did you know that bone is actually living tissue that looks a lot like a bee’s honeycomb? In order to stay strong, your bones actually break down old tissue and rebuild new, healthier tissue. But as we reach the age of just 30 years old that bone mass stops increasing, gradually weakening the honeycomb with thinner walls and bigger holes.

This means we have to create the healthiest bones we can WHILE WE ARE YOUNG in order to give our bodies the best possible advantage.

So how do you make your bones stronger? How do you increase bone density? There are several great ways to give your bones a boost:

  • Get plenty of calcium in your diet. Nearly every cell in the human body needs calcium for some reason or another so it’s imperative to get the daily recommended amount for you. Our skeletal system especially depends on the right amount of calcium to support our bones. Some great sources of calcium are dairy products, almonds, broccoli, kale, and tofu. You can also seek a great calcium supplement if you find it difficult to get enough calcium in your regular diet.
  • Ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is a catalyst for the body to absorb more calcium from the intestines, making it a necessary partner for calcium intake. You can get vitamin D from uncovered skin exposed to the sun, or from oily fish like salmon, fortified milk or juice, and eggs in your diet.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet full of protein and plenty of leafy greens and veggies. Bones are actually about 50% protein themselves and getting enough actually increases calcium absorption as well.
  • Make strength training and weight-bearing exercises part of your regular exercise routine. Studies have shown that both men and women who do these types of exercises can increase bone mass and density and reduce inflammation and slow down bone loss.

Is It OK To Take Calcium and Vitamin D Together?

Despite some mixed news in the past, we know that taking calcium and vitamin D together is a winning combination. Because calcium is crucial to most bodily functions and vitamin D helps the body absorb that calcium, the two are often put together in safe and effective calcium supplements. In fact, without vitamin D, our bodies can only absorb around 10% of the calcium we get in our diets, making it difficult to fully benefit from calcium intake in winter months or in some northern climates if not taking them together.

DISCOVER: The Xyngular Guide To Bone Health

What Are the Benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D?

Our bones are the support system that our entire body depends on to keep us active and moving throughout our lives. That means that calcium and vitamin D are crucial for anyone looking to support their bone health.

But did you know that calcium and vitamin D have benefits beyond the world of bones and teeth?

Calcium is also important for childhood growth and development, lifelong heart, muscle, and nerve function.

Vitamin D not only serves to increase the body’s calcium absorption, but has several other benefits as well. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and insulin production, can improve gut health, aids in heart and lung function, and can even boost your mood.

LEARN MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Bone Health

What Other Vitamins and Minerals Are Good For Bone Health?

While calcium and vitamin D are the best-known bone health heroes, there are other vitamins and minerals that are also helpful in the bone-building and strengthening process.

  • Vitamin K — According to, “Research has suggested that vitamin K also plays a key role in controlling bone metabolism because it’s essential for synthesizing osteocalcin, an important protein for maintaining bone strength.”
  • Magnesium — People with greater magnesium intake generally also show increased bone mineral density, which means more bone strength and less chance of bone loss or fractures.

Xyngular’s Axion & Your Bone Health

Xyngular’s Axion is a powerful formula that can help keep you strong, active, and energetic in any phase of life. Combining vitamins and minerals discussed here in optimal doses, Axion maximizes absorption in the body and works to keep you healthy and strong.

Axion is a vitamin supplement that:

  • Promotes strong and healthy bones*
  • Is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, E, Zinc, and Folate*
  • Is rich in calcium, riboflavin, thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid*
  • Contains essential vitamins & trace minerals (a-zinc) that fill the gaps your diet may be missing*

Contact your Xyngular rep to stock up on Axion today!

Remember, it is never too early to start investing in your bone health! Contact your Xyngular Distributor and find out more about Axion, or log in to your Xyngular account today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

More on Bone Health From Xyngular

The Xyngular Guide To Bone Health

Why Taking A Mineral Supplement Can Fill In Your Diet And Nutritional Gaps

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