Not Losing Weight? Here’s Why...

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I recently saw a fitness forum post where a woman asked, “Why am I not losing weight?” She’d recently started exercising and eating healthy, but hadn’t seen the number on the scale change. While everyone knows diet and exercise are the two main contributing factors of weight loss, there are other reasons for weight loss as well, and those may be holding you back if you notice you’re not losing weight. Read on to find out what those reasons are, and how the 8-Day Jumpstart can get you on track from the start.

7 Top Reasons You’re Struggling To Lose Weight

There are actually 15 common reasons for weight loss failure, but of those, there are seven that seem to be the most commonly neglected, and the easiest fixes. Here’s what they are, and how you can counteract them to overcome weight loss failure.


Are you ready for this? Stress eating isn’t just an expression, it’s actually science. Stress increases the amount of cortisol in our bodies. An increase in the cortisol hormone can increase your appetite and make you crave sugar, high-fat, and salty foods. So when you’re stressed, it’s harder to stick with your diet. Exercise, meditation, yoga, and other stress-relieving activities have been proven to lower cortisol levels.

Lack of Sleep

What does sleep have to do with weight loss? Believe it or not, a lot. Not sleeping enough has been shown to lead to an increased appetite, higher stress levels, lower energy levels, and a disrupted circadian rhythm—all of which can lead to weight gain. So make sure you’re getting your Zzzzzzs.

LEARN MORE: The Xyngular Guide To Weight Loss


If you’re not getting enough water, your body may get confused and think you’re hungry. When you’re dehydrated, your brain often sends out hunger signals instead of thirst signals. This can lead to overeating when really, a tall glass of water would have done the trick.

Poor Nutrition

Eating an appropriate number of calories is important, but more importantly, they need to be the right kind of calories. Empty calories can lead to a lack of energy, which can result in less movement and fewer calories expended. On the other hand, fueling your body with proper nutrition (think fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, among other things) helps it work more efficiently so you have more energy, and effectively burn off the calories you take in.

Not Moving Enough

If you’re currently living the couch potato life, it’s time to get moving. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends a minimum of 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise (think brisk walking) a week, and muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week.

Drinking Sugar

Be careful with what you are quenching your thirst with! Even “healthier” beverages like flavored water may be loaded with sugar. Fruit juices can also be problematic and should be consumed in smaller amounts. One glass of juice has the potential to contain the same amount of sugar as several pieces of fruit.

Not Consuming Enough Protein

Protein is an important nutrient when it comes to losing weight. Consuming protein for 25-30% of your daily calories has the potential to boost your metabolism by 80-100 calories per day. Digging into a high protein breakfast has been shown in studies to impact hunger for the rest of the day and cause fewer cravings. Protein also helps prevent weight regain and helps to prevent a metabolic slowdown.

If you’re serious about getting on track with your weight loss, make sure you have these seven areas dialed in to save yourself from weight loss failure.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight When I Exercise?

If you’ve been eating the right foods, hydrating yourself, soaking up sleep, exercising and still not seeing any results, keep reading for additional information on why you aren’t losing weight when you exercise.

Eating Too Much

When you have a clean diet and are exercising and still not losing weight, it’s possible that you are consuming too much food. You have to run a calorie deficit in order to shed pounds. Eat when you’re hungry and slowly enough that you can feel yourself beginning to feel full. Don’t forget, life is about balance, and there is nothing wrong with taking a day off if you are beginning to feel deprived.

Not Lifting Weights

You don’t have to stop your cardio passion completely, but try adding some interval training sessions with weights. The best way to lose weight and build lean muscle through exercise is to add strength training in addition to your cardio. The more muscle tone you have, the more fat that will disappear.

Too Much Cardio

There are many benefits to cardio including heart health, a metabolism boost, and a healthy sweat. However, if you are only doing cardio or are doing too much cardio, it can have a reverse effect. Long sessions of cardio can eat away at your muscle mass which is needed for increasing your metabolism for burning calories. The body can train itself to become more endurance-focused which causes it to store energy as fat instead of burning it. Too much cardio can also increase your appetite which leads to unnecessary snacking.

Reset On Failure and Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

A good way to tackle these seven reasons you’re not losing weight is to use weight loss systems. Sometimes people even ask, “Why am I not losing weight on Xyngular?” The answer is that they’re not taking a full-body approach to weight loss. That’s why we recommend starting out with a weight loss system.

Weight loss systems are designed as a whole-body approach to weight loss, and there’s no better way to kick things off right and get results fast, than with the 8-Day Jumpstart. The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart will prepare your body for long-term weight loss while allowing you to lose up to 15 lbs in just eight days. It’s that easy!*

Give us 8 days and we’ll change your life! Try the Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart and find out exactly what you have to lose as you start your journey to a healthier life.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*Lose up to 15 pounds in 8 days. Lose an additional 1-2 pounds or more each week following the 8-day jump start. Results are not guaranteed and can vary.

More On Weight Loss From Xyngular…

The Xyngular Guide To Weight Loss

Rapid Weight Loss 101

Quick Weight Loss Tips That Help Keep It Off

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