7 Probiotic Benefits for Weight Loss & Overall Health


Bacteria get a bad rap. From anti-bacterial cleaning products to hand sanitizers, it seems that we’re always trying to get rid of them. But if there’s one place you should let them stay and do their thing, it’s your gut. Bacteria in your gut can have a tremendous effect on not only your overall health but your weight as well. Read on to learn how probiotics can keep your gut healthy.


Probiotic studies have shown that they can improve gut health, support healthy weight loss, and affect the proteins related to appetite and fat storage. Start taking your probiotics today!

1. Probiotics Give You More Energy

The gut is the center of the human body—it’s where your fuel begins and ends. The better you can process that fuel, the more you can get out of it. When your gut is more capable of utilizing the foods you eat, you’ll experience energy that lasts longer, helping you get more done in your day.

2. Probiotics Help Food Settle Better

Let’s be honest—we’ve all experienced gassy pains and unfortunate bathroom visits that are anything but desirable. When your gut isn’t healthy, it can struggle to process even the simplest of foods. The result is persistent discomfort and a general sense of unease. But if you consistently take probiotics, your gut can build up the bacteria it needs to handle whatever you throw at it. So go ahead and eat that spicy salsa on your vacation to Mexico or the creamy pasta you decide to splurge on at dinner—your gut can handle it.

Discover: Everything You Need To Know About Good Gut Bacteria

3. Probiotics Strengthen Your Immune System

Like we said before, health begins and ends with the gut. Although your immune system is your body’s primary system of defense, where do you think your immune system gets its artillery? That’s right, it’s the gut. The gut functions as a part of the immune system, making a healthy gut a sure ticket to a strong immune system.

4. Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight

Weight gain can result from a number of factors in your body, but the way your body processes the food you eat is often a common culprit. If your gut is unable to fully process the food you put in, it may inadvertently end up turning much of what you eat into fat. It will also leave you feeling a sense of persistent hunger because your body feels like it’s lacking the nutrition it needs to function properly. Taking probiotics to encourage a healthy digestive system is a strong step toward reducing body fat and feeling fuller for longer.

Read More: Complete Probiotic - The Best Probiotic For Weight Loss

5. Probiotics Will Make Your Skin Glow

Probiotics have been shown to be great for the skin, which means a healthier glow. The skin is the largest organ in the body, so when it’s feeling good, you’ll look really good. You’ll also have to rely less on beauty products because your skin will naturally exude the glow and vibrancy you pay to replicate.

6. Probiotics Can Reduce Bloat

There is nothing quite like going out to dinner with your belt on the fourth hole and coming back from dinner with your belt on the third. Bloat after eating is something that is universally frustrating and embarrassing, but taking probiotics to curate a healthy gut will help food process more smoothly and more quickly, so you’ll have less gas and less feeling of bloat.

7. Probiotics Can Make Up for the Nutrition We Lose in Food

In the modern American diet, there are many foods we eat consistently that actually sabotage the healthy bacteria in our gut. If you don’t take probiotics to actively help those good bacteria repopulate, you may end up stuck on a gradual gut decline. Although there are many foods that also help foster healthy bacteria in the gut, like sauerkraut and yogurt, few of them can match the concentrated dose of healthy bacteria that probiotics offer.

Are you ready to make the easy health decision that will pay numerous dividends for years to come? Give probiotics a try, and prepare to experience a new level of health and well-being that you may have forgotten was possible. Learn more about why probiotics may be perfect for you.

Can Probiotics Really Help Me Lose Weight?

The short answer is yes! The long answer is that probiotics use a diverse combination of good bacteria to help your body absorb the nutrients it needs and excrete the waste. You need a variety of healthy bacteria to make sure your body can perform at its peak, and without the right diversity and amount of bacteria, your body is likely not absorbing the nutrition it needs and is holding onto waste it doesn’t need.

In one study, researchers looked at the gut microbiome of twins. They found that the obese twin had a less diverse gut bacteria compared to his lean twin. While this study isn’t conclusive about the connection between gut bacteria diversity and weight, there’s compelling evidence to suggest that taking a probiotic can increase the diversity of your gut which could help you lose weight. Additionally, bacteria affects your metabolism by helping your body make vitamins like K, B9, B7, and B12, absorb minerals like magnesium, calcium, and iron, and break down carbohydrates. Without these vital metabolic functions, your body can’t perform at its peak, and that makes it harder to lose weight. Probiotics also release appetite-regulating hormones, increase levels of fat regulating proteins, optimize inflammation response, and break down fiber in your body.

If you are ready to start taking a probiotic to help you lose weight, you should look for a probiotic that has a variety of bacteria strains. Ideally, you want at least 1 billion CFU’s, as well as a probiotic that helps with more than just weight loss. A good probiotic will have benefits like improved immune function, mood support, and metabolism support. Also, look for a probiotic that doesn’t have binders or fillers like lactose or cornstarch. Xyngular Complete Probiotic is a great, easy-to-take option for people looking to start their weight loss journey, as well as those who want to support their mood, immune system, and metabolism.*


Xyngular designed Complete Probiotic as a simple and immediate way to provide your body with the important probiotics it needs for your health and well-being to flourish. This product puts the “pro” in probiotic, not just because it aids in weight loss, but because it also tackles other issues you are likely facing if you live with poor gut health. If you are struggling with mood instability, poor immune response, or digestive issues, Complete Probiotic can help you address those problems and start living a healthy, rewarding life.* You deserve to feel good in your body, and you don’t have to start your weight loss journey alone!

Your body depends on healthy bacteria in your gut to support weight loss, absorb nutrients, and maintain good health.

GET COMPLETE PROBIOTIC TODAY! Contact your Xyngular distributor, or log in to your Xynglar account today and discover the health benefits of Complete Probiotic.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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