5 Things You Can Do to Get a Better Night's Sleep

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If you constantly feel tired and lethargic throughout the day, your sleep habits could be to blame. The Centers for Disease Control issued a report stating that 1 in 3 Americans don’t get enough sleep, which can lead to an array of health issues including a lowered immune system. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or feel that the quality of your sleep could be improved, changing your habits could help you get the quality sleep you need.

Why Is Sleep So Important For Your Health?

Sleep is incredibly important to your health. This essential function allows your body and mind to reset from the day. Sleep also serves as a type of cleansing process for the body and mind. Compare it to running your dishwasher at night. Start the dishwasher full of dirty dishes, and wake up to a set of clean dishes in the morning. Not getting enough sleep is similar to opening the dishwasher in the middle of the cycle. Your dishes will not be all the way clean. Not getting enough sleep does not let your body fully reset from the previous day. When we do not get enough sleep the brain does not function properly. Sleep also serves as a way for the body to remain healthy and fight off a variety of diseases.

People who get enough sleep receive a myriad of benefits including better frames of mind and moods when interacting with others, the ability to think more clearly during work and school, a reduction in stress levels, a lowered risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases, the ability to maintain a healthy weight and getting sick less often.

If the benefits of what happens with enough sleep aren’t enough to convince you to hit the pillow, here is what happens to those who do not get enough sleep. Not sleeping increases your risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and overall lowers your immune system. It can cause focus issues, even leading to a higher risk of car accidents, and may also lower your sex drive and cause weight gain.

There are many issues that can get in the way of restful sleep, whether it be stress concerns about work, family, health, school, or money. Caffeine late in the day can cause sleep issues, and eating and drinking late can also be a culprit when it comes to quality sleep. It’s also extremely important to allow yourself to wind down before bed. Screen time whether it be computer work, video games or TV can all cause problems if they are too close to bedtime as well as exercise.

5 Tips For Better Sleep

Try our 5 tips of things to do before bed to lower stress and get a better night’s rest.

Focus on Nutrition

Caffeine and sugar can both keep you awake at night, especially if consumed later in the day. If you want to improve your sleep try cutting them out of your diet, or not consuming them afternoon.

Focus instead on eating a well-rounded diet. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that individuals who consumed the most varied diets also experienced the best sleep. Conversely, those who ate the least varied diets experienced the most trouble getting enough sleep.

Dietary supplements are another option to ensure that you are getting enough of the key nutrients to support healthy sleep habits. Melatonin is a popular supplement that is taken to ensure better sleep. Xyngular’s Xr2 also helps your body relax and allows for a night of quality sleep. Our proprietary blend of ingredients helps to reduce stress levels and improve the overall quality of the sleep your body is receiving.*

Read a Self Help Book

Reading can be a fantastic way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Self-help books are an excellent choice because they help you to focus on your goals and what you need to do to reach them. Grab your favorite book, and snuggle up under the covers to read before you turn off the lights.

Prepare for the Next Morning

If your mind is racing when you go to bed, try taking steps to prepare for the following morning. Lay out your clothes and set the table for breakfast. Pack up anything you need to take with you when you leave the house the following morning and put it by the door. You can also do a “brain dump” by making a list of everything you need to do the next day. This will allow your mind to relax, knowing that you don’t have to remember everything in the morning.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

When we focus on the positive, our brains are flooded with hormones that help us feel happier and more relaxed. Try jotting down a few good things that happened at the end of each day. This will put you in a more relaxed frame of mind, and allow you to drift off to sleep more easily.

Create a Routine

One of the benefits of creating a habit is that once they become second nature we find satisfaction in completing them. Create a bedtime routine, and do your best to stick to it. As much as possible, try to do things in the same order, and at the same time each day so that your brain learns that these tasks are meant to prepare for sleep.

TRENDING: 5 Incredible Benefits Of 5-HTP

5 Bonus Tips For Better Sleep


There are tons of benefits to exercise, but a key one is sleep! Save your most strenuous exercises for the morning because that actually increases your energy which is fantastic for your day but not for bedtime hours. Extra energy during the day and a peaceful night of sleep are a win-win.

Natural Sunlight

If you are finding yourself inside all day hammering away on your computer, you could be interrupting your natural circadian rhythm. Take a break and step outside to make sure that you are exposed to some natural light every day. Studies have shown that two hours of sunlight for five days in a row has the ability to lead to improved sleep.

Put Your Screens Away

It’s easy to be guilty of too much screen time. But staring at a bright phone, tablet or computer has the ability to disrupt your circadian rhythm. Bright screens can trick your brain into thinking that it’s actually daytime which in turn will prevent your body from creating sleep-inducing vibes. No sleep-inducing vibes mean no signal to your brain that it’s time to turn off for the day. Make every effort to stay away from screens for one hour before bedtime.

Don’t Look At The Clock

Trying to go to sleep? Stop looking at the clock! If you lay awake at night staring at the clock and calculating how many more hours until you need to wake up, you could be leading yourself to a less than wonderful night of sleep. Watching sleep slip away at night can be stressful, so save yourself from the calculations and keep your clock out of sight.

Keep Your Temperature Low

Cooler is better when it comes to sleep. For optimal sleep, bedrooms should be kept cool, ideally ranging between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. As you sleep your body naturally cools down, so cooling down your body lets the brain know that it’s time for bed.

Add Rest Days To Your Routine

Rest and relaxation are key to good health. Finding time to take a break can improve moods as well as relieve stress and anxiety. Even more powerful, these rest days have the ability to relieve pain, improve your overall immune system and decrease your blood pressure. Long-term stress can lead to long-term health problems, difficulties in focus, and digestive issues.

Schedule time for yourself to take a break and spend the day doing something that you enjoy. The long-term health and relaxation benefits will make the challenge of finding time for yourself well worth it. Turn it into a habit.

Board the Sleep Train With Xr2

If you’re looking for additional sleep tips and support, be sure to try Xr2. This product is an incredible proprietary blend that is designed to help you rest and relax through the use of natural ingredients. We all know that stress can damage your ability to lose weight, have healthy hormone levels, and obtain a restful night of sleep. Xr2 will give you the power to combat stress all while improving your sleep quality leading to better mornings.*

Xr2 is different from other sleep and stress products because the first priority is to attack the stress. When the stress is gone, Xr2 works towards the goal of balancing out the body’s natural cortisol release. Less stress automatically leads to a better night’s sleep. It’s an incredible combination of a sleep aid, stress fighter, and weight-loss helper.*

Xr2 is such a powerful supplement that it is well-known as being one of the Xyngular Community’s most popular products. It’s incredibly effective and well-known for its success.

Changing your sleep habits will benefit your overall health. Use our 5 tips to revamp your routine, and create better habits to promote sleep. Enjoy improved health as well as better sleep.

Get Xr2 NOW and get the sleep support you need! Contact your Xyngular Distributor, log into your account or give us a call at 801.756.8808.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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