The Difference Between Low Carb And Keto Meal Plans


What is the Difference Between Low Carb and Keto?

The biggest difference between low carb and keto diets has to do with the percentage of daily calories that come from carbs, protein, and fat. When following a Ketogenic diet, you can expect to consume more fats and also take a much stricter approach to carbs. Keto can work for shorter periods of time but isn’t recommended for long-term weight loss success.


Do you love chicken, fish, and even your vegetables? Well, then you’ll love a low-carb plan because it allows you to eat the foods you enjoy all while helping you lose weight.

A low-carb plan has more carbohydrates than Keto but focuses on a more balanced approach to macronutrients to continually fuel your metabolism.

Carbs (like bread and grains) are converted into sugar or glucose by our bodies, and excess glucose gets stored as fat.

By limiting the number of carbs in your diet and focusing on the quality of your carbohydrates, less glucose will be stored as fat making it easier to lose weight.

You’ll eat three delicious meals and two snacks every day so you can keep your weight loss goals in focus and begin seeing results.

Xyngular Recipes

Mexican Pizza Recipe - Low Carb Approved

Try this recipe on your next Taco Tuesday! This low-carb pizza can be compared to an open-faced taco piled high with all of your favorite Mexican ingredients.

Sheet Pan Sausage and Vegetables Recipe - Low Carb Approved

For a quick and easy, no-mess dinner, try this low-carb recipe using all of the vegetables from your fridge and some delicious and healthy turkey sausage.

Is the X Bundle Keto or Low Carb?

With the ultimate and most important goal of successfully completing an X Bundle, it’s important to select a sustainable option that will work best for you and your lifestyle. Although keto can work for a short period of time, 30 days is difficult to complete and sustain long-term. At Xyngular we take a more low-carb approach with our X Bundle because we believe in fueling your metabolism with complex carbohydrates, and high protein options.

The Choice Is Yours

Ultimately the choice is yours. Xyngular offers recipes for low-carb or keto options depending on what you pick. Use our recipes or your own, but make sure to follow the portion guidelines to see the most success.

Boost your success with a Xyngular’s 8-Day Jumpstart. The Jumpstart will provide you with a rapid reset that will help to kickstart your weight-loss goals. The program was designed for fast weight loss through the use of proven products, a simple daily schedule designed to reinforce healthy habits, and an incredible meal plan that can follow either a keto or low-carb diet. Let the program work for you today!

GET YOUR JUMPSTART TODAY! Contact your Xyngular Distributor or log in to your Xyngular account to get your 8-Day Jumpstart today!


What Is The X Bundle?
X Bundle Weight Loss Essentials
The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Keto Vs Low Carb Diets

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