5 Benefits of a Weight Loss Journal


It’s easy to forget about the bits of your kids’ lunches you finished off, the chocolate you grabbed from the leftover Valentine’s candy on your way out the door, or the free samples you got at the grocery store. But while they may not seem like much individually, these overlooked calories can add up quickly. Weight loss journaling could be your path to success!

If you’re trying to lose weight or just get healthier, and you’re wondering why you’re not seeing the results you’re expecting, you may find it helpful to begin keeping a weight loss journal. It can also help you pinpoint unhealthy behaviors you may not have ever noticed before. We can only change what we acknowledge! The benefits of weight loss journaling are undeniable and you’ll be glad you started!

5 Benefits Of A Weight Loss Journal

Weight loss journaling is not the time to get down on yourself about what you’re eating. This is a time to learn and educate yourself on habits. Here are 5 benefits of weight loss journaling you won’t regret.

You Learn How Different Factors Affect Your Eating Habits.

There are a number of things that can affect what and how much you eat, from your location to your dining companions. You may find that you eat more when you’re with your significant other or best friend. Keeping a food journal helps you become aware of these habits, and awareness gives you the option to change.

You’re Held Accountable.

Writing everything down makes it easier to regulate what you put in your mouth, and helps your nutritionist (if you have one) or doctor learn your habits, which helps them pinpoint where issues could be stemming from.

It Helps You Make Healthier Choices.

A food journal will help you figure out where you need more variety. You might notice your diet is heavy in meat and low on vegetables, so you know the changes you need to make there. Keeping track of what you eat will also likely make you think harder about what you’re putting into your body.

You Learn How Certain Foods Affect Your Body.

Include a section in your journal describing how you feel after eating. Soon, you’ll start to notice patterns between certain types of food and whether you feel bloated, gassy, energized, etc. Foods can even affect your mood. Record when you feel good too!

It Shows Your Progress.

The longer you keep a record of your food habits, the more conclusions you can make. You’ll learn what’s working well, what’s helpful, and what’s holding you back. And seeing this progress is motivating! You’ll want to stick to your health plan and achieve your goals.

3 Simple Ways To Begin Weight Loss Journaling Right Now!

Don’t Wait! Start Journaling Now!

Don’t tell yourself “I’ll start when…” Any information is useful information. Start your weight loss journaling right this second. See that snack next to you? Write it down! Don’t delay and give yourself another reason to wait or forget.

Use Your Phone

We are used to carrying our phones with us everywhere… so why not use them to your advantage. Start tracking your weight loss journal entries as a note, a simple text entry, text yourself, or download a food journaling app.

Be Honest

This journal is for you. There is no reason to lie to yourself when you are committed to learning and changing. The more honest you are with yourself, the better information you will have to see why you are gaining weight or struggling to lose. This is not a time to judge yourself or beat up yourself for your eating habits -- this is a learning phase so be honest!

Accelerate: Watch, Learn and Burn!

As you start watching what you eat, recording it in your weight loss journal, and learning about your habits, Accelerate is here to give you that extra fat-burning umph needed to start your jumpstart your weight loss progress.*

Accelerate will help you burn fat up to three times faster than the competition!* Our proprietary Thermolit Blend helps curb your appetite while also resetting your fat-burning potential. Accelerate is vegan and caffeine-free for a natural increase in fat-burning so you can get moving on dropping those unwanted pounds. Whether used as a standalone product or part of our weight loss program, you’ll want Accelerate in your daily line-up.*

Xyngular’s Accelerate can help you reach your weight loss goals today! Learn more about Accelerate by reaching out to your Xyngular rep, or give us a call at (801) 610-4580. Or log in to your Xyngular account to start burning fat with Accelerate.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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