How Much Water Should You Drink? | Xyngular


The average adult body is made up of about 50-60% water. We need it for circulation, respiration, and converting food into energy. It helps keep our joints healthy, ensures our brain and organs function properly, and aids in flushing out waste and toxins. In fact, next to oxygen, water is the most important thing we need to stay alive and healthy.

What’s The Recommended Daily Water Intake?

How much water should you drink daily? Recommendations on how much water to drink vary. Some people say 64 oz a day is plenty. They even offer a simple solution to get your water intake in with the 8 x 8 rule. The idea behind it is that you should drink eight 8 oz glasses of water per day.

Others say you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, someone who weighs 150 lbs. should drink a minimum of 75 oz. of water daily. If you work out regularly, live an active lifestyle, or are trying to lose weight, you should drink even more water than that.

Water And Weight Loss

When weight loss is your goal, hydration is key. Pay attention to what your body is asking for. As you focus on your water intake, you’ll give your body more of what it needs to work properly, as well as boost weight loss.

Drinking water helps keep your metabolism running well, and flushes your body of waste and toxins. Water can also help with appetite control. Try drinking a glass of water before each meal to help hydrate you and make you feel full so you consume fewer calories. If you get hungry in between meals, try drinking a glass of water first. Chances are you’re really just thirsty.

Drinking more water is important in shedding water weight as well. It may sound like the opposite would be true, but when you’re dehydrated, your body starts hoarding the water it needs to run properly. By consistently drinking more water, your body will release the excess and help shed the water weight.

Replacing calorie-filled drinks with water also helps with weight loss as it prevents you from taking in unnecessary calories that add up quickly and cause weight gain.

13 Benefits Of Drinking Water

We’ve already mentioned a few of them, but what are the benefits of drinking water? So glad you asked! Here are a few of the reasons why drinking water is good for you:

1. Weight Loss

We already talked about how water can help with weight loss. Everything from appetite control to shedding water weight, drinking water should be part of your weight loss plan.

2. Healthy Skin

Water helps your skin look plump and healthy. On the other hand, a lack of water can lead to premature wrinkling and skin disorders.

3. Protects Joints

The cartilage between your joints is made up of 80% water. Drinking enough water helps keep your joints hydrated and in tip-top bending shape.

4. Reduces Headaches

Dehydration is a common cause of headaches and even migraines in some people. In fact, they say when you take medication for headaches, it’s often the glass of water that benefits you more than the pain killer.

5. Flushes Toxins

Your body removes toxins through both sweat and waste, and water is an important factor with both of those functions.

6. Helps with Digestion

Your body needs water to help move food through your digestive system. Drinking plenty of water will help you avoid constipation and keep you regular.

7. Increases Energy

Next time you’re feeling an afternoon slump, try drinking a glass of water. Studies show that dehydration might be at least partly to blame for tired spells.

8. Boosts Cognitive Function

Dehydration is known to lead to impaired brain function, including working memory, mood, and concentration.

9. Supports a Healthy Immune System

Remember how we said drinking water can help flush toxins? Well, getting rid of those toxins can have a positive effect on your immune system. Water also helps keep your cells healthy, so they can run all your body's systems.

10. Increases Nutrient Absorption

Some vitamins and minerals can only be absorbed in the presence of water. All nutrients are carried through the body via cells, and cells require water to function.

11. Improves Blood Pressure

If you are dehydrated, the amount of water in your blood decreases. In turn, this makes the blood thicker, which means your heart has to work harder to pump it. Your blood pressure rises as a result.

12. Helps with Physical Performance

Having enough water during intense physical activity can help reduce the amount of stress that is placed on your body. As you exercise and move, your body loses water, so it’s important to continually hydrate throughout physical activities.

13. Aids in Body Temperature Regulation

Your blood helps regulate your body temperature, and it needs water to function efficiently. Sweating is also another way your body regulates its temperature, and if you’re dehydrated, you aren’t able to sweat.


Keep yourself hydrated and you’ll see results—both in how you look and how you feel. Water goes a long way toward reaching the weight loss goals you set for yourself and is essential if you want to live a healthier, happier life. But we get it, sometimes it’s hard to drink all that water. Not only does it take your body a little bit to adjust to the increased water consumption, but remembering to drink it can be hard too, and sometimes water can seem a little boring.

Xyngular Trimstix™ can help you with your water blahs. Trimstix comes in various flavors, including fruit punch, orange pineapple, pink lemonade, and watermelon. It amps up the power of water by supporting healthy blood sugar levels, curbing sugar cravings, and increasing energy levels and cognitive function.*

As you make Trimstix a part of your daily routine, you'll not only get the weight loss benefits, but you’ll be scheduling some extra water intake for yourself. This means you get all the perks of drinking water too.

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