4 Reasons Why a Weight Loss Buddy Will Help You Lose More Weight Than Dieting Solo

WeightLoss Partner

A weight loss buddy may be the answer to improved weight loss results. That’s right! Science actually says that if you find a friend to share in your weight loss journey, you could see better weight loss results. Studies show that those who enlist the help of one or more weight loss buddies are more successful in achieving their health and fitness goals than those who go at it alone. If your weight loss journey has slowed, or you’re simply not seeing as much success as you want, perhaps what you need is a weight loss buddy to share your battle with.


If you’re not yet convinced, here are four reasons a weight loss buddy will help you lose more weight than dieting solo.


The biggest reason weight-loss buddies are so effective is the accountability they bring to the table. You’ll be much more likely to follow your diet and stick to your exercise routine if you have someone to report to. Share your food log, your progress, and even your missteps with your fitness companion.

The level of accountability you need is dependent on your personality. Some prefer to seek accountability and support from online chat rooms or social media. Others thrive under the microscope of an extremely determined partner. Regardless of who you obtain your accountability factor from, it’s a crucial part of any successful diet or exercise plan.


Nobody can fully understand the challenges you’re facing and the sacrifices you’re making if they’re not experiencing the same thing; this is what makes a weight loss buddy such a phenomenal source of support. Don’t be afraid to get real and be vulnerable with your buddy. Share your weaknesses, your cravings, what you’re struggling with the most. In turn, you’ll receive validation, support, and encouragement from someone who is experiencing the same thing. They may even be able to offer ideas of how to overcome your struggles you hadn’t thought of before.


Who better to share your weight-loss victories with than someone who fully understands how hard you worked to earn them? Perhaps the best part about having a weight loss buddy is having someone to brag to about your latest accomplishments and victories. Their reactions will surely encourage and motivate you to keep progressing and will also allow you to revel in your achievements without feeling vain or selfish. You deserve to brag!


It’s just a simple fact of life: many things are much easier with a companion. Having a weight loss buddy is more than just verbal and emotional support; the two of you will provide each other with a reliable source of companionship. Go to the gym together and figure out how to work each machine without feeling foolish. Skip the pizza party at work and eat a healthy lunch together. Spend a couple of hours each week prepping your meals and swapping recipes with one another.

Bonus Reason: They Make It Fun

While holding you accountable, offering advice and even providing you that heartwarming hug when things go well… a friend is fun to have around. Find a weight loss buddy who will make your weight loss journey a joy and not a burden. Making a lifestyle change is hard! Grab a friend who’s willing to try a new workout class or, get you laughing (and burning more calories) on that walk. Maybe find someone willing to try new foods with you (even if they end up being a hard pass for future menus). A weight loss buddy can make a hard journey cherished memories instead of a chore.


The same qualities you love most about your best friend may not be the right qualities you need in your new weight loss buddy. Everyone is different, which means you should choose a weight loss partner according to your specific needs. Here’s a list of weight loss buddy qualities we recommend looking for when searching for a health and fitness companion.

Schedule and Availability

Weight loss journeys take commitment. This commitment can be time-consuming. Find a friend who has a similar schedule and availability so you have time to chat, join each other, and communicate with ease.

Upfront Honesty

There’s nothing worse than someone who simply tells you what you want to hear. Especially when you are trying to make a major life change. When trying to lose weight, you need to hear honest feedback or thoughts, even if it may be difficult to say or hear. You set out on this journey to change and improve, and just placating you isn’t going to be a benefit.

Can Hold You Accountable

This seems more difficult than you would think! It’s hard to let someone know when they are slacking off or missing the mark. But if you are truly committed to weight loss and improving your overall health, you need a weight loss buddy to keep you in check. Did you skip your exercise two days in a row? They need to be willing to ask you why and keep you accountable for the goals you have shared with them (even when we are whining and trying to justify our not-so-awesome decisions).

Has Similar Weight Loss Goals

If someone’s ultimate goal is similar to you, this means you may both require the same level of commitment. If you want to lose 30 pounds, but your friend only wants to gain muscle, your workout needs, diet needs, and health focuses could be vastly different. The closer in similarity your buddies’ goals are to you will allow you (and them!) to share struggles and successes knowing you each might be experiencing the same thing.

Is Positive and Can Motivate You

Positivity can be the missing link for some individuals. It is easy to get down on ourselves or frustrated with a lack of progress or misstep. When we have a partner who is a positive influence, they create contagious excitement and will encourage self-confidence.


Now that you’re ready to find a dependable weight loss buddy, let Xyngular help you start your journey off right! Our 8 Day Jumpstart is designed to drive results in only eight days. We have a focused meal plan that works alongside six of our top-rated weight loss products to give your body the reset it needs. With commitment, focus, and following our detailed plan, you could lose up to 15 lbs in just eight days!*

The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart will give you and your companion the supplements you need to kick your quest into gear and start out on the best foot possible!

Jumpstart Your Weight Loss NOW! You don’t have to wait to have the life and health you deserve, you can start your new life right now! If you are ready for the next step in your healthy living journey, find a buddy (or two) and order the 8-Day Jumpstart! Contact your Xyngular distributor or login to your Xyngular account today!

*Individuals can lose 1 to 2 pounds a week using Xyngular products and following a low-carb meal plan.


8-Day Jumpstart Program

The Xyngular Guide to Weight Loss

7 Ways to Maintain Healthy Weight Loss

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