3 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep | Xyngular


Yoga has many benefits for your life. It can relax and invigorate you at the same time. Practicing yoga before bed can help you unwind from the stress of the day so you can get a more restful night of sleep. Add these 3 yoga poses into your bedtime routine as part of your healthy lifestyle.

1. Cat and Cow Pose

Cat and Cow pose is an effective choice to bring flexibility to your spine. It also helps expand your lungs so you can breathe deeper, which is particularly helpful before bedtime. Use it to regulate your breathing and prepare your mind and body for bed.

To move into Cat and Cow pose, get on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders and your knees should be under your hips. Start with a neutral spine. To move into Cat pose, begin to pull your stomach in towards your spine and arch your back. Drop your head and your tailbone towards the ground to deepen the upward curve of your spine.

Slowly begin to reverse the movement by raising your head and tailbone, and then bringing your spine back to a neutral position. Move into Cow pose by lowering your stomach towards the ground while raising the crown of your head and your tailbone towards the ceiling. Your back should resemble a U shaped position. Complete the flow by returning to a neutral spine.

2. Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a calming pose that helps to restore your focus and lower your heart rate. CNY Healing Arts lists the benefits of Child’s pose, stating, “Balasana, also known as child’s pose, is a resting pose practiced in the fetal position. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words “bala” and “asana”, which translate to “child” and “pose” respectively. Its main anatomical focus is the thighs, although it is useful in relieving back, shoulder, neck, and hip strain. If performed with an open mind, the full-body, gravitational pull of Balasana is sure to induce users with a great sense of physical, mental and emotional relief.”

To move into Child’s pose, start in a tabletop position like you did for Cat and Cow pose. Draw your big toes towards each other and drop your hips down between your heels. Lower your forehead towards the ground and walk your fingers out away from your body so you feel a stretch in your arms and shoulders. Relax and breathe into the pose. When you are ready to move out of Child’s pose, shift your body back into a tabletop position.

3. Legs Up the Wall Pose

Legs Up the Wall pose seems simple, but it is incredibly powerful. It is a relaxing pose that will help you feel refreshed and ready for sleep. Yoga Journal touts the benefits of Legs Up the Wall pose, stating, “This pose also gives blood circulation a gentle boost toward the upper body and head, which creates a pleasant rebalancing after you have been standing or sitting for a long time. If you are stressed, fatigued, or jet-lagged, this pose is especially refreshing.”

Begin by lying on your back with your hips a few inches away from a wall. Raise your legs upwards and place a blanket or pillow under your hips to keep them raised. If you have the flexibility, shift your tailbone closer to the wall. Keep your legs straight and relax into the pose. To come out of the pose, bend your legs and gently roll to the side.

Yoga for Better Sleep

Doing yoga before bed can help you relax both your body and mind. Incorporate the Cat and Cow Pose, Child's Pose, and the Legs Up the Wall Pose into your bedtime routine. You will be able to go to sleep faster, and get a more restful night of sleep.

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