3 Ways Music Changes Your Life | Xyngular


Hans Christian Anderson is famous for the quote, “When words fail, music speaks.” Music has a way of touching our souls, and communicating everything that we want to say. Our favorite songs help define who we are, and how we see the world. Music affects both our mind and body in profound ways. Learn 3 ways that music affects you and changes your life.

1. Music Can Make You Smarter

Over the years, many studies have been conducted that have documented the benefits of music on test scores. One such study, conducted by Miller-McCune, found that when students listened to classical music during a lecture they were able to recall the information better a test. The study results stated, “For one group, the lecture was accompanied by a series of familiar classical pieces, including excerpts from Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker and Bach’s Third Brandenburg Concerto. The other group heard the lecture with no background music. Within 15 minutes of hearing the lecture, all the students took a multiple-choice quiz featuring questions based on the lecture material. The results: the students who heard the music-enhanced lecture scored significantly higher on the quiz than those who heard the music-free version.” The next time you are focused on information you will need to recall later, try listening to classical music while you work.

2. Improve Your Workout By Adding Tunes

Music is popular in gyms and weight rooms for a reason. Listening to uptempo music can help motivate you and keep you focused throughout your workout. Additionally, playing music that you like can lower your sensations of pain, so you are able to push yourself harder for a longer duration. Whether you are planning on doing cardio, lifting weights, or doing yoga, crank up the tunes during your next workout to make it even more effective.

3. Music Can Help You Unwind

When you finally get a chance to relax at the end of a long, exhausting day, music is the perfect solution. Studies have proven that listening to music can help to lower your stress levels. Classical music in particular has been shown to help lower stress levels. The Week quotes Richard Wiseman, stating, “Blood pressure readings revealed that listening to pop or jazz music had the same restorative effect as total silence. In contrast, those who listened to Pachelbel and Vivaldi relaxed much more quickly, and so their blood pressure dropped back to the normal level in far less time.” Try adding classical music to your relaxation routine to help you unwind after stressful situations.

LEARN MORE: How To Discover A Solid Mindset!

Use Music to Change Your Life

Whether you are looking to unwind, perform better in your workout, or boost your knowledge recall, music can help improve your life. It can have effects on both your physical and mental well being. Music can touch your soul in unique ways that words alone cannot. Try integrating our 3 simple tips into your normal routine to get the most benefit from the music you enjoy.

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